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Tagged: text analysis

Distance matrix obtained from stylo for ELTeC-eng, visualized as a clustermap using seaborn. 6

Dear fellow stylometrists, let’s drop the dendrogram and cherish the distance matrix

The dendrogram is a classic and beloved visualization in stylometry. One could even say that, ever since it was included in the inevitable and unmatched stylo package for R, it has become an icon and metonymy of stylometry itself. The example shown below (Figure 1) illustrates what such a dendrogram looks like, although given its ubiquity, there is almost no...

Heatmap showing the weight of different topics depending on the subgenre 0

Computational Genre Analysis

Introduction Genre is, like authorship or time period, one of a number of fundamental categories allowing authors and readers as well as literary scholars to endow the vast field of literary production with some internal structure. Genre is not specific to literature, of course: whether we consider painting, music or cinema, genre as an intermediary category situated between individual works...


What the perfect repository for text analysis looks like (to me)

The longer I work with various collections of literary texts, available in various formats, and for use with various tools, the more I would like to have a nice repository which me and others could use to ingest, store, transform, update and extract text collections. So what would this repository look like? Basically, I’m describing a use case, and would...


Große Sprünge und konzentrische Ringe, oder: Stephen Ramsay über Daten, Texte, Interpretationen

(The following blog post is in German, because it reflects on an excellent talk by Stephen Ramsay, “Stanley and me“, which most of my readers outside Germany will have read anyway; it has been retweetet thorougly on Twitter and was Digital Humanities Now’s Editor’s Choice some days ago. Sorry folks, but you’re not missing anything.) Ein weit verbreitetes Missverständnis in...


Bibliography on Text Analysis, particularly Stylometry and Topic Modelling

[Update, 2012-01-28: The bibliography has changed its name, has received a new URL, and has been thoroughly reorganized. All stuff related to text analysis is now in the collection called, well, “Analysis”. The tagging system has been simplified, too.] Release early, release often, and talk about it. Isn’t this one of the credos of the digital humanities? In any case,...


Taking Eder/Rybicki’s Stylometry Script for a test drive

One of the things I planned to do with this blog is to document my experience with various tools for computational text analysis. This is a way of letting other people know what these tools can do, and what I am currently working on and maybe hear their (your!) thoughts on it; it is also a way of forcing myself...

The Dragonfly’s Gaze

This blog deals with computational approaches to literary text analysis, i.e. with the exploring, analyzing and interpreting (mostly) literary texts (mostly from European literary traditions) using textual data in digital form, software and services which support or enable such analysis, and various methods supported by software. While the thematic focus is relative narrow, the scope of items to be dealt...